Dinner Idea: Rainbow Pasta and Sardine Tomato Sauce

Dinner idea: Rainbow pasta and sardine tomato sauce - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy

Hi, all of you, how are you today? Today I am going to share one of my kitchen recipes. It's simple and easy cooking yet tasty. Do you want to hear about it? Well, let's take a look at what I have cooked. Especially I like pasta because it looks like a rainbow, green from spinach, orange from carrot...

  • 2 cans of sardine tomato sauce
  • Pasta - one person 75 gram, but it up to you. I use Tesco pasta

Tesco pasta - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
  • 1 big tomato
  • 2 -3 gram of coriander leaf - I use Tesco coriander leaf

Tesco coriander leaf - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
  • 2 - 3 gram of garlic powder - I use Tesco garlic powder
  • 2 - 3 gram of onion powder 
  • Some of spring onion
  • 1 onion - cut or chop it
  • butter
  • 4 leaves of kaffir lime leaf
These are what you do:
  • Bring boil the pasta for about 8 minutes or read the instruction. Drain it then take aside
  • Now cook the sardine tomato sauce. Place the butter in a pan, add onion, saute them about 3 minutes
  • Add the sardine tomato sauce, pour 50 - 75 ml of water
  • Add kaffir lime leaf, coriander leaf, garlic powder, onion powder, and spring onion. Mix them well together. Let it cook for about 5 minutes
  • Add tomato, mix them well. Slowly stir them for about a few minutes (3 - 5 minutes)
  • Now the sardine is done
Prepare the dinner:
  • Place rainbow pasta first

Place the rainbow pasta first - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
  • Place the sardine tomato sauce
  • And add fruit! Dinner is ready!

Dinner idea: Rainbow pasta and sardine tomato sauce, and an orange - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy

What do you think? We love it! Simple and easy cooking yet tasty! I love this menu! Thank you so much for reading my article. Stay safe and have a nice day! 😊

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
  • Do not copy this article without permissions
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permissions


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