Pancake Potato, Fried Egg, and Salad


Ichi's Fusion Recipes: pancake potato, fried egg, and salad! - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Hi all of you, how are things going? I hope you are in good shape even if we are in a pandemic situation. Hopefully, we can get through this hard time together, support each other, and help people who need help. 

Speaking of which, I am going to share this recipe. To be honest, it was the first time I made this kind of pancake by using potato as the main ingredient. It sounds great, isn't it? First, we can easy to find potatoes in the market. Second, the potato has a price that won't drug our money deep! 

Talking about the potato, back then when I lived in my hometown, we used to cook soup with potato as one of the ingredients. Besides cooking soup, we often pick potato as one of the ingredients for doughnut recipes, and the small size of pancake that called "perkedel."  It means potato is the common base of our food sources. No wonder, I also brought boiled potatoes when I traveled. 

Nowadays, potato is one of my food sources to substitute rice. I eat many different varieties of carbo on my plate daily for example noodles, sweet potato, couscous, and potato. Since July 2021, I have changed my diet by removing rice from my menu. Why? I'll write it later on The Journey of Ichi Family!😉 For this reason, I tried to make this pancake potato! Inspired by Indonesian food called "perkedel" I create a new version of "perkedel." 

  • 750 g of potato - I chose red potato
  • Mozzarella 
  • a bunch of celery - finely cut

Ichi's Fusion Recipes: celery - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • 5 g of low sodium salt
  • 5 g of garlic powder
  • 5 g of onion powder
  • 5 g of black pepper powder
These are what you do:
  • Peel and shred the potato; squeeze it until the water from the potato come out
  • Place the potato in a bowl, add celery, garlic and onion powder, black pepper powder, and salt

Ichi's Fusion Recipes - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Mix them well
  • Prepare the pan, add a little bit of canola oil, maybe around 50 ml. Turn on the stove on low flame
  • Take half of the seasoned potato and place it on the pan, and shape it. At this point, do not never ever touch it, let it cook for about 5 minutes. Before 5 minutes, add mozzarella

Ichi's Fusion Recipe - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Add mozzarella - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • After about 5 minutes or less, flip the pancake potato. Tips: you can use a big flat plate or lid to flip it so it won't break 🤩 However if the pancake potato broke, do not panic! Let it be, reshape and add mozzarella 😁 after flipping, give it another minute (about 5 minutes) so that the pancake potato is fully cooked, crisp outside, and cooked inside. Cook another batch, repeat the steps. Turn off the stove

WHAT, is it burnt? 😆😅 - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Now, fry the egg. Whether using oil or not it's your call! Mine, I pour a little a bit olive oil to cook my egg. Moreover, I cook my egg full cooked. So, if you want lava style egg, it's up to you. I prefer a burnt fried egg to a lava egg. It's just preferences!😊
  • Making the salad: I chose purple cabbage and carrot then shredded them. Add tartar sauce mix and finish!
  • Place the pancake potato first, place the fried egg, and salad! Now the pancake potato menu is ready!

Pancake potato - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Tips; you can add 1 egg into the seasoned potato. Mix it then start to fry on the pan. In "perkedel" recipe, Indonesian add the egg before frying the mixture. The purpose of adding the egg is to firm the potato when we fry it on the pan. In other words, to avoid the breaking pancake when we flip it
  • Tips: Do not pour too much oil as it will make the pancake potato not only breaking apart but also mess up!🤔
It sounds easy to make it yet we have to focus when cooking this kind of pancake. Usually, while cooking, I am doing something else. But, to cook this pancake potato, I need to concentrate my mind only on the pan, otherwise, it will be burnt!😅

Thank you for reading my article, stay safe and healthy. Bye for now!🖐😃

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission


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