
Showing posts from March, 2021

Stir-fried Tiger Prawn with Sukiyaki Sauce and Green Spinach

  Ichi's Fusion Recipes: stir-fried tiger prawn with sukiyaki and green spinach, brown rice with furikake on it, cherry tomatoes - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi, welcome to Ichi's Fusion Recipes! Look at that picture above, prawn and spinach!😋 Today I am gonna share my recipe from my kitchen that I called "awesome." Are you kidding me? Prawn? I know this ingredient could trigger my histamine. But, I cooked it with some precaution and ready to take my loratadine after eating this dish. Luckily, my allergy did not appear which means that I am fine until now. I do not know why sometimes my allergy pops up when eating kinds of seafood, but if I remember about it that I ate seafood dishes from outside or buying from a food stall. Ichi's Fusion Recipes: stir-fried tiger prawn with sukiyaki sauce and green spinach - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hm🙂 Talking about prawns I have always remembered the story of when one of my grandmas gave it to my family. One of

Quick Simple, and Tasty Recipe: Fried Selar Fish

  Ichi's Fusion Recipes: Fried Selar Fish - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi, welcome back to Ichi's Fusion Recipes! What we have today? Well, Today I am gonna share one of my favorite fishes recipes; quick simple, and tasty! Look at the picture above, what do you think? It is fried Selar fish which is very simple cooking that would save your time in the kitchen! Wait, first of all, what is Selar fish? If you have ever heard Horse Mackerel or Scads or Jacks, they are in the same family.  Talking about fish, there was only Selar fish and Tuna that I wanted to eat. Others? I did not want them! Maybe I was a picky child when came to food, but I knew what I wanted. The reason why I did not eat Catfish, Tilapia, or any other fishes that cheaper and easy to find in the village was on how people do farm them. For example, a business owner who did farm catfish did not concern about hygiene, I did not like how they farming this fish. Moreover, the taste was very earthly.  Ichi'

Simply Yet Healthy: Omelet and Red Spinach; Stir-fried Bitter gourd and Baked tempeh

  Ichi's Fusion Recipes; omelet, boiled red spinach, cherry tomatoes, edamame, homemade condiment, brown rice - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Welcome back to Ichi's Fusion Recipes! What we have today? I am gonna share a simple recipe yet healthy that would give benefits to your body. I have 2 set menu that I want to talk about it today! 1. Set 1: omelet, boiled red spinach, cherry tomatoes, edamame, homemade condiment, and brown rice It looks simple, right? I know that this set menu just unengaging and maybe for some people looks boring. For some people I know, it is a menu for the lower class not for those who have always eaten in the restaurant. However, this menu has lots of vitamins and nutrients in it that good for your health. I have always chosen carrot egg. Every week we buy 2 packs which are 10 eggs in each pack. The egg is full of nutrients for instance B vitamins, a source of vitamin D, vitamin E, Omega and carrot egg contain vitamin A. My father taught me to eat

Vegetable & Meatball soup with Brown Multipurpose Homemade Fresh Seasoning

  Vegetable and meatball soup with multipurpose homemade fresh seasoning - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi, welcome to Ichi's Fusion Recipes. Today I am going to share the easy way to make a soup at home by using multipurpose homemade fresh seasoning. Before scroll down read this article, it would better if you read how to make brown and brown multipurpose homemade fresh seasoning in another article that I wrote before.  Soup is basically my daily menu since I was a child. I love soup that contains lots of vegetables such as potato, cabbage, carrot, celery. We can add french beans, green peas, cauliflower as well. However, I do not recommend adding other vegetables because the taste will ruin. But the good news is we can put meatballs to enhance the flavor. Yes, I can't eat meat, but still, I can accept processing foods such as meatball, sausage. However, it depends on how to cook so that I am able to consume these processing foods. Improper cook and undercook or half cook,

Grilled Fillet Grouper with Sukiyaki Sauce

  Ichi's Fusion Recipes; Grilled Grouper Fillet with Sukiyaki - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi, welcome back to Ichi's Fusion Recipes! Today I am gonna share one of our favorite menus; it is grilled fish! In this recipe, I would like to show you how to make grilled grouper with sukiyaki or Japanese sauce! Believe me, the taste is really great!😋 First, talking about fish is something that makes me have always been excited because fish is my favorite food ingredient. However, it is not all fish I would like to eat. Only some fish like mackerel, salmon, grouper, seabass, tuna, shishamo, there are some fish that I would like to eat. In the past, I did not want to eat freshwater fish such as catfish and tilapia. But, I started eating catfish when I studied at a university and I found how to cook it more tasty and delicious! I think I went to the right city not only to study but also learned and found how to cook some ingredients (catfish for example) more great and delectable!

Veggie Fried Hokkien Mee with Multipurpose Homemade Fresh Seasoning and Anchovies

  Veggie Fried hokkien Mee with multipurpose homemade fresh seasoning and anchovies - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi, all of you, how you doing? I hope you are in good shape and ready for your weekend. So, what are you planning for this weekend? For me, I think it time to buy fruit and fresh vegetables, and also visiting the wet market to see the flower in the flower & plant shop. Or cooking with family it would be fun!😉 Cooking noodle is easier for me because it is a simple and quick menu to make during the peak day. Especially when I have multipurpose homemade fresh seasoning so that I can easy to prepare our meal in time! It sounds good, isn't it? By making fresh seasoning that we can use for cooking some dishes will help me a lot to save my time in the kitchen. In the past, I needed at least one and a half hours to cook our meal it often 2 hours. But not today!🤗 I remember the time when I was studied at a university to get my Bachelor's degree. I had to endure th

Veggie Fried rice with Multipurpose Homemade Fresh Seasoning & Anchovies

  Veggie fried-rice with multipurpose homemade fresh seasoning & anchovies - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi all of you, welcome back to Ichi's Fusion Recipes! Well, today I am going to share the benefits of making multipurpose homemade fresh seasoning. First, saving your time in the kitchen, quick-cooking, on top of that we can create any kind of dishes! Like this one, using it to cook fried rice.  Everyone in my hometown knew about this dish. Villagers would cook it for breakfast or dinner. Really, breakfast with fried rice? It sounds heavy to start the day, however, rice is an essential food. Including me, sometimes I ate fried rice before went to school. But, I was different from other because I just focused to eat boiled egg in the morning, and not the rice; as far as I remember I just took 2 spoons rice. I could not take a heavy breakfast back then. Generally, villagers made simply fried rice which meant the ingredients were seasoning like shallot, garlic, salt, MSG (

Red Multipurpose Fresh Homemade Seasoning: Stir-fried Kangkong and Tempura Tempeh & dried tofu

  Stir-fried Kangkong with Dried Split Fishes and Homemade Fresh Seasoning - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Well, well, bonus today that I decided to write another recipe today! What is it? It is Stir-fried kangkong! Kangkong is a common vegetable in my hometown back then. We could easily found it in the wet soil. However, as far as remember, villagers just picked this vegetable freely from their yard or garden or from their neighbor's garden. That how we lived in the village that lots of benefits when it comes to the food sources. Even though most villagers lived in poverty and had low-income but they could still survive more easily because they grew their own foods! However, education has always been expensive along with healthcare. Speaking of which, this is one of the dishes that we can make by using red multipurpose fresh homemade seasoning. The other day I cooked this dish and satisfied with the taste. Like I mentioned in the article before even if this seasoning color is r

Red and Brown Multipurpose Fresh Homemade Seasonig and Sauce

  The ingredients of fresh homemade seasoning - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi all of you, welcome back to Ichi's Fusion Recipes! Like I mentioned in my article before that my next article on this blog is how to make multipurpose fresh homemade seasoning and sauce. So, today, I am gonna share it and show you how easy to make them. First of all, why I call it multipurpose? Well, we can use it as a seasoning to make some dishes for instance to cook a chicken or even vegetables. The interesting thing about it is that using it as sauce or condiment. Red multipurpose fresh homemade seasoning and sauce/ condiment - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Back then in my hometown, most villagers liked to make condiments and we called it "sambal" which is made from chili, garlic, shallots, tomato, shrimp paste, salt, and sugar. Usually, they ate it with white rice and fried tempeh. As you know Indonesian love "sambal" which has always picture as a spicy sauce. However, my