Stir-fried Tiger Prawn with Sukiyaki Sauce and Green Spinach
Ichi's Fusion Recipes: stir-fried tiger prawn with sukiyaki and green spinach, brown rice with furikake on it, cherry tomatoes - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi, welcome to Ichi's Fusion Recipes! Look at that picture above, prawn and spinach!😋 Today I am gonna share my recipe from my kitchen that I called "awesome." Are you kidding me? Prawn? I know this ingredient could trigger my histamine. But, I cooked it with some precaution and ready to take my loratadine after eating this dish. Luckily, my allergy did not appear which means that I am fine until now. I do not know why sometimes my allergy pops up when eating kinds of seafood, but if I remember about it that I ate seafood dishes from outside or buying from a food stall. Ichi's Fusion Recipes: stir-fried tiger prawn with sukiyaki sauce and green spinach - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hm🙂 Talking about prawns I have always remembered the story of when one of my grandmas gave it to my family. One of ...