
Showing posts from 2014

Bamboo Clam Spinach Soup

Bamboo clam and spinach??… Today I cooked this soup. This is a special soup that I’ve ever made. It sounds crazy to mix them in one menu. But believe me, you will get mad when you taste this soup I called it “Bamboo Clam Spinach Soup”. This is my recipe from my kitchen, check this out!!… Seasonings : 6 cloves of shallot 4 cloves of garlic 6 red chilies (just if you like spicy soup) 1 ttsp coriander 1 candlenut 2 tomatoes (I use strawberry tomato) 2 cm bulb yellow ginger Mash all of these seasonings! Additional seasonings : salt (add as you like) 2 cm bulb galangal 2 bay leaves 2 stalks of lemongrass (each about 5 cm) or 6 stalks of lemongrass (each about 3 cm) 10 limes (squeezing before) Ingredients : Bamboo clams (about 1/2 kg) 1 pack spinach (cut as you like) 1 tsp canola oil to saute seasonings 50 ml – 65 ml of coconut cream 1 L – 1,5 L water to boil clams 800 ml to make broth These ar

Tomato Sauce Fish

Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy I cooked this menu. Even I called it Tomato Sauce Fish, but I just use fresh tomatoes It’s great and tasty! Check this out my recipe from my kitchen Seasonings : 6 cloves of shallot 4 cloves of garlic 4 red chilies (just if you like spicy fish ) 6 tomatoes (I use strawberry tomato) 1 lime leaf Mash all of these seasonings! Additional Seasonings : salt (add as you like) 2 cm bulb galangal 4 limes (squeezing before) 2-3 stalk lemongrass (each about 5 cm) Ingredients : half dozen fish, or 1/2 kg fish, or  8 fishes ( I use barracuda fish ), whatever fish you choose is good 1 tsp canola oil to saute seasonings canola oil to fry fish 200 ml of water These are what you do guys…. Cleaned and washed your fish Heat a frying pan, add enough oil to fry fish (on medium flame) Arrange fish in one layer with room between each one and fry them all. Called it fried fish. Take aside In another pan, heat the oil on mediu

Kangkong Soup

Kangkong soup - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy Oh no…soup again? Really??… This is vegetable soup, callet it “Kangkong Soup”. This is my kangkong soup recipe from my kitchen. Simple cooked, Check this out Seasonings : 2 clove of shallot 1 clove garlic 2 red chilies Chop/ cut all of these seasonings! Ingredients : 1 pack kangkong 800 ml of water salt (add as you like) dried onions celery (cut as you like) 1 tsp canola oil these are what you do… Plucked and washed your kangkong heat oil on medium flame Add seasonings that you chopped, saute them about 2 minutes Pour water…add salt. Let it boil When it boiled, put kangkong Few second put celery. Don't get too long to cook it, just about 3 minutes! And serve it with dried onions Kangkong soup - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy Sounds easy, right??… Easy, simple, and tasty Have a nice day everyone… Note: Written by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy Photograph

Coconut Cream Fish Soup

Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy I don’t like chicken, but I love fish…especially when I cooked it by myself   Really..really…love it!!… Today I cooked fish guys…I called it “Coconut Cream Fish Soup” Sounds…delicious, huh??… Let’s check my recipe from my kitchen! Seasoning : 6 cloves of shallot 4 cloves of garlic 6 red chilies (if you like hot and spicy fish soup ) 1 candlenut 1 ttsp coriander 2 cm bulb galangal 2 cm bulb yellow ginger 2 tomatoes (I use strawberry tomatoes) Mash..all of these seasoning Additional seasonings : salt (add as you like) 3 stalk lemongrass (each about 5 cm) 2 bay leaves 6 or more lime or lemon (squeezing before) 1 tsp canola oil to saute seasonings Canola oil to fry fish Ingredients : half dozen fish or 1/2 kg fish (I use barracuda fish about 1/2 kg or 8 fishes) 50-65 ml coconut cream 1 L water These are what you do guys… Cleaned and washed your fish. Pour it with lime water. Let it about 5-10 minutes Hea

Sweet Potato Leaves Soup

Sweet potato leaves soup - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy This is an ancient recipe from my grandma. You know, my grandma is simply human. Loves to eat any kind of leaves, such mango young leaves, Jambu young leaves, herbs, and many others. she’s more than 100 years old now.  she likes to eat a sweet potato and sweet potato leaves. Yeah, sweet potato is her favorite food. This is a simple recipe, check out guys… Seasoning : 2 cloves of shallot 1 clove garlic 4 green chilies (if you like spicy) Chop all of these seasonings Additional seasoning is salt Ingredient : some of the sweet potato leaves 800 ml of water These are what you do… Plucked and washed your sweet potato leaves Boil water in a pot Add seasonings that you chopped, and salt Put sweet potato leaves, mix them well Do not too long to cook it, just about 3 minutes, and serve it Simple, easy, and tasty. Do you want to try…Good luck Note: 

Green Sauce Chicken

Green sauce chicken - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy Yesterday I cooked chicken guys…Even I don’t like chicken, but every single time I cook it for my lovely husband So this is one of the special recipes from my kitchen…just take a look… Seasoning : 4-6 cloves of shallot 2-3 cloves of garlic 6-8 fresh green chilies 3 lime leaves Mash all of these seasonings! Additional seasoning : 2 cm galangal 3 stalk lemongrass (each about 5 cm) 2 bay leaves salt (add as you like) 2 ttsp black pepper powder Ingredients : 200-250g boneless chicken 100-200 ml of water little a bit butter to saute seasonings These are what you do… Saute seasonings that you mashed, galangal, bay leaves, and lemongrass, with butter on medium flame. (about 2 minutes) Add your chicken, mix them well Pour water, and add black pepper. Stir them well. then let it fully cooked, about 20-25 minutes The last…serve it… How is taste? It’s great and tasty! Have a nice day Note:

Chayote Yellow Soup

  I like soup guys…and today I made soup. It’s good time to make a soup, ‘cause it’s rainy season …I called it “Chayote Yellow Soup”. Check out my recipe from my kitchen! Seasoning : 6 red onions 4 cloves garlics 1 ttsp coriander 2 candlenut 6 red chilies (just..if you like hot and spicy soup ) 1 ttsp white pepper seed 3 cm yellow ginger Mash all of these seasonings! Additional seasoning : 2 bay leaves 2 cm galangal salt (add as you like) Ingredients : 1 piece chayote (cut as you like) 65 ml Milk coconut 1 L water 1 tsp canola oil to saute seasoning These are what you do guys… Heat the oil on medium flame. Add seasonings that you mashed, galangal, bay leaves. Saute them about 2 minutes. Pour water, let it boil Pour milk coconut into boiled water Put chayote. Let it fully cook (about 20 minutes) Serve it with dried onions if you like it I love this soup guys…It’s delicious! You want to know how is taste? Just try to cook it. I believe you’ll like it Good

Stir Fried Potatoes With Oyster Mushroom

  Today I cooked potatoes guys What are you thinking about it? That’s very tasty! Find your way to eat potatoe, and this is my way. Check out my recipe from my kitchen!… Seasoning : 6 red onions 3 cloves garlic 3 red chilies (just if you like hot and spicy ) 1 ttsp coriander 1 candlenut 1 ttsp palm sugar 2-3 cm bulb yellow ginger Mas all of these seasonings! Additional seasoning : 2 cm bulb galangal 2 fresh young bay leaves salt (add as you like) Ingredients : some potatoes (about 5 pieces of potatoes), peeled and cut in dice 100-125 g grey oyster mushrooms, slice it/ cut as you like canola oil to fry your potatoes Little a bit butter to saute seasonings Water These are what you do… Boil water in a pot. Put potatoes, let it boil (about 10 minutes) or until almost cooked. Drain them completely Heat the oil on medium flame. Fry boiled potatoes until golden brown. Take aside In another pan, turn on stove on medium flame. Put butter in a pan or wok, and add se

Dark Sauce Tofu Soup

I love soup, specially vegetable soup. But sometimes, I want to eat soup in different taste and in another looks. So, I made this soup today guys…Do you want to try?? Let’s check my recipe from my kitchen! Seasonings : 4 red onions 6 cloves garlic 6 red chilies (if you like hot and spicy) 1 ttsp white pepper Mash all of these seasonings Additional seasoning : 2 cm bulb galangal salt (add as you like) Ingredients : 600 g white traditional tofu, cut in dice 100 g bean sprouts celery (cut as you like) 2 tsp sweet dark sauce 3 lime fruits (squeezing before) 800 ml water to make dressing butter (just little a bit for saute) canola oil to fry your tofu dried onions These are what you do guys… Heat the oil on medium flame. Fry your tofu in a pan until golden brown, and take aside Boil water in a pot. Put bean sprout, after 3 minutes, take bean sprout, and place it into bowl/ plate. Take aside Saute seasonings that you mashed and galangal (about 3 minutes with butte

Steamed Fish In Banana Leaf (Pepes Ikan)

  This is one of traditional Indonesian menu guys…we called it “Pepes Ikan” or you can said “Steamed Fish In Banana Leaf”. Looks something special, isn’t it?…So, let’s check my recipe from my kitchen! Seasoning : 8 red onions 4 cloves garlic 8 red chilies 6 cherry tomatoes 1 ttsp coriander 2 candlenuts 3 cm bulb yellow ginger 1 tsp salt (add salt as you like) Mash all of these seasonings Additional seasoning : This is very important guys…you need lemon basil leaf. But, if you can’t find it, you can use thai basil leaf, or lime leaf, just like I was. Ingredients : Banana leaf bamboo sweker 5 Fishes (you can use snapper, tilapia, tuna, or another fish like goldfish) 5 limes   These are what you do… Clean and wash your fish. Put lime water on top of your fishes. Let it about 15 minutes Place the fish on the middle of banana leaf Put seasonings that you mashed on top of it, until cover all of your fish Put lime leaf or thai basil leaf on top of

Fried Egg Chili Tomato Sauce

Today I cooked egg. What!! Egg again?! Believe me, it’s really..really delicious. Just try to cook it if you want to find another taste. This is my recipe from my kitchen. Seasoning : 4 red onions 2 cloves garlic 6 red chilies 6 cherry tomatoes 2 cm yellow ginger 1 ttsp salt (add as you like) Mash all of these seasonings! Additional Seasoning : 2 cm galangal 1 sheet of bay leaf Ingredient : 6 eggs 400 ml water Canola oil These are what you do guys… Heat the oil on small flame. Crack the egg on pan. Fry it, one by one until golden brown (just if you like in golden brown color). ( 2tsp canola oil for fry one egg) pour 1tsp canola oil into another pan. Heat the oil on medium flame Add seasoning that you mashed, galangal, and bay leaf. Saute them until fragrant (about 2 minutes) Pour water and put your fried eggs. Then, let’s them boil and fully cooked (about 10 minutes) The last…serve it guys… Don’t ask me how is taste. Just try to cook it. and you’ll like it a

Oyster Mushroom Bakwan (Indonesian Gourmet)

  This is one of Indonesian gourmet guys…And yes, it’s most popular gourmet. But…I made this one so special. Why? Because I put unusual ingredient, that “oyster mushroom”. So, just check out my recipe from my kitchen! Seasoning : 6 red onions 3-4 cloves garlic 1 ttsp coriander 5 cm yellow ginger 4 ttsp salt (add as you like) Mash all of these seasonings Ingredients : 500g flour 800 ml water 4 sheet of red cabbages (cut as you like, make sure it in small pieces) 1 pack grey oyster mushroom (about 100g-150g). Cut as you like Spring onion (add as you like and cut in small pieces) canola oil to fry it (about 500ml maybe more..), just make sure your dough can swimming. These are what you do… Put flour in a big bowl, add red cabbage, and grey oyster mushroom. Add seasoning that you mashed, and pour water on it, stir well and make a dough (not too thick and not to fluid) Heat the oil on medium flame Use a small ladle to take your dough, and then put it i