Easy Set Menu: Stir-fry Broccolini with black pepper sauce& chicken stock, Ichi's Signature Omelet with Curry Taste


Ichi's Fusion Recipes: Stir-fry vegetables, boiled sweet potato, tempura shishamo, and omelet with curry taste, grapes, a glass of green tea - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Hi, all of you, how are things going? It looks I have more time to publish some articles this week.😁 So, what I have today to share with all of you; hmm...stir-fry vegetables! It sounds general, however, one thing that I love about it is that less season. Moreover, we cook stir-fry broccolini in minutes! Are you ready? This is it!😉

This time I picked broccolini for one of my stir-fry ingredients. At first, I wanted to just boil it, in second thought I made up my mind to stir-fry with black pepper sauce. Quick, easy, simple, yet tasty, and contain lots of vitamins and minerals in this dish. So, check it out!✌🙂

1. Stir-fry Broccolini with black pepper sauce &chicken stock

  • 1 pack broccolini or take about 7 stalks of broccolini
  • Some cauliflower
  • 6 of cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 of big carrot - slice it
  • 2 leaves of white cabbage
  • 2 tbsp of black pepper sauce

Black pepper sauce - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • 1 cube of chicken stock
  • 200 ml of warm or hot water
  • 6 cloves of shallot - slice it or chop them
  • 4 cloves of garlic - slice or chop them
These are what you do:
  • Prepare a pan, pour 50 ml of olive oil, add garlic and shallot that you chopped. Turn on the stove on medium-low flame. Saute for about 2-3 minutes

Ichi's Fusion Recipes - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Meanwhile, we saute the shallot and garlic, at the same time we soak chicken stock cube with hot water
  • Then pour hot water that contains chicken stock into the pan. Let it boil

Ichi's Fusion Recipes - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Add carrot and cauliflower first, let it cook for 1-2 minutes

Ichi's Fusion Recipes - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Then add the rest of the vegetables

Ichi's Fusion Recipes - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Ichi's Fusion Recipes - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Add black pepper sauce. Stir them for about 3 minutes and turn off the stove. Tips: Add tomato a few seconds before turning off the stove as we consider tomato is fragile in texture

Ichi's Fusion Recipes - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • It's done!
We can combine this delectable stir-fry broccolini with boiled sweet potato. Yeah, while I was cooking my stir-fry veggie, I put sweet potato on my rice cooker on steam mode. 

2. Ichi's Signature Omelet with curry taste

Ichi's signature omelet with curry taste - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

  • 3 egg - I choose carrot egg
  • 3 stalks of celery - finely chopped
  • 2 g of curry powder

Curry powder, garlic&onion spice blend - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • 1 g of garlic & onion spice blend
  • 1/2 g - 1 g of low sodium salt
  • Canola oil about 200-250 ml to fry the egg
These are what you do:
  • Crack the egg, add curry powder, garlic&onion spice blend, salt, celery. Whisk or just mix it with a spoon
  • Prepare the pan and pour the canola oil or olive oil. Turn on the stove on medium-low flame
  • We can divide the seasoned egg into 3 batches. Once when the oil is hot, pour seasoned egg onto it and fry until both sides golden brown. Do not forget to turn off the stove after frying the last batch
In addition, we can place some tempura shishamo. I wrote the crisps tempura shishamo before, so you can check it out; here is the link https://ichi-recipes.blogspot.com/2021/11/crisps-tempura-shishamo.html

The last is do not forget to eat fruit to complete your meal!😉 This stir-fry broccolini is enough for 4 portions combined with another dish or carbo. 

How much time do I spend preparing stir-fry veggie, omelet, and tempura shishamo? Cooking plus preparation took 1 and a half hours! This is enough for our lunch and dinner (2 people). Yeah, recently I cooked lunch including dinner so that I do not need to prepare dinner in the evening as both my husband and I have always been tired in the evening.😪

Thank you for reading my article, keep your courage, stay safe, and take care. Have a nice weekend! Bye!🖐🤗

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographed anywhere else without permission


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