Lunch Idea: Boiled red potatoes, baked sausage, and pea sprouts


Lunch idea, boiled red potatoes, baked sausage, pea sprouts with Japanese dressing, and parmesan on top of it - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy

Hi, welcome back to My Kitchen Recipe blog. Today I am going to share one of our favorite menus at home. This is a simple and easy to prepare a meal at home. I like easy and quick cooking because I don't have much time to work in the kitchen. Let's check it out!

  • 750 g of red potatoes
  • Pea sprouts (2 portions)
  • 6-8 of a small sausage
  • Some cherry tomatoes
  • Parmesan
  • Japanese dressing
  • Butter
These are what you do:
  • Boil the potatoes
  • While you are boiling the potatoes, you can bake the sausage
  • Arrange the sausage on a tray. Add some butter among them
  • Bake for about 15 minutes - 20 minutes in the oven (200 degrees Celcius and 150 degrees Celcius). Check the sausage because sometimes we need to decrease the temperature
  • It's done!
Prepare the lunch:
  • Place the pea sprouts. Pour Japanese dressing on it
  • Place the boiled potatoes
  • Place the baked sausage
  • Place cherry tomatoes in the middle
  • And give it grated parmesan on top of it
  • Your lunch is ready!
What? Very simple cooking and easy... Yes, it's easy to prepare yet tasty! And of course a healthy meal. We love it. And how about you?

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
  • Do not copy this article without permissions
  • Do not reuse this photograph anywhere else without permissions


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