Lunch Box Menu: Veggie Fried Rice with Anchovies and Egg with Bell Pepper


Lunch Box Menu: Veggie Fried Rice, Egg with bell pepper, Fried Sausage, Cabbage, and Cherry Tomatoes. Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy

Hi, how are you today? Today I would love to share our lunch box menu recipe from my kitchen recipe. Yes, it is fried rice again, and…egg again… Well, we like to eat an egg every day. And today I create an egg with bell pepper. That sounds great, right? Let’s check it outBe right back
  • White rice for 2 people. I use Calrose rice
  • 2 egg, like always I would love to use carrot egg
  • 3 sausage
  • 1 handful of anchovies
  • 1 ttsp of salt, or add salt as you like to fry rice
  • 2-3 tsp of garlic pepper
  • a little salt to give taste your egg
  • a little garlic pepper to give taste your egg
  • Yellow onion, cut as you like
  • Butter about 1 or 2 tsp
  • Bell pepper, I use red and yellow bell pepper. And you just need the biggest shape
  • Cabbage to complete your lunch box, just cut as you like
  • Green leaf vegetables, you can choose Chinese spinach, or bok choy, or frozen vegetables. It’s up to you
  • Cherry tomato
  • Canola oil to fry egg and bell pepper and sausage
These are what you do:
1. Veggie Fried Rice with Anchovies
  • Heat butter on medium flame. Add yellow onion. Saute them until fragrant about 3 minutes
  • Add anchovies, wash before cooking. Saute them all, and stir about 3 minutes
  • Add white rice, stir them all, and mix them well
  • Add green vegetables, mix them
  • Add salt, garlic pepper, stir them all. Do not stop to stir until fully cooked. About 5-10 minutes.
  • Take aside
2. Egg and Bell Pepper
How to create this fancy egg and bell pepper? Here you go:
  • You have to choose a big bell pepper. I choose red bell pepper and yellow bell pepper
  • Cut the center and circle. Remove the seeds
  • Pour canola oil on medium flame, just enough canola oil and don’t let your egg swimming
  • Put bell pepper
  • Crack the egg and place the egg into bell pepper circle
  • Add salt and garlic pepper on the top, and let the egg for few seconds don’t touch
  • Then you have to flip it. Let it for a few seconds, then flip again
  • Take aside, and place them on a kitchen towel or kitchen pepper until the oil excess has gone
3. Fried Sausage
  • Cut sausage as you like
  • Heat canola oil on medium flame. Just enough canola oil and don’t let your sausage swimming
  • Fry sausage until fully cooked
  • Take aside, and place them on a kitchen towel or kitchen pepper
How to prepare a lunch box:
  • Put veggie fried rice with anchovies first
  • Place 2 egg and bell pepper on it
  • The other box, place fried sausage, and cabbage. You can add cherry tomatoes too
  • Done! Looks great, right? Don’t forget to bring fruit to complete your lunch box. And like usual I choose an orangeSmile

Lunch Box Menu and an orange. Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy

What are you waiting for, Looks great and tasty, right? Have a nice day!
  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
  • Do not copy this article without permissions
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without  permissions


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