Kampoeng Dinner Idea: Tempeh cream soup with the herb


Kampoeng dinner idea: Tempeh cream soup with herb and white rice - Photographed by Rdz

Hi, welcome back to my new article. So, what we have today that I would love to share? It's "Kampoeng" dinner idea and still related to one of my favorite food, tempeh. 

If you are a new reader might be you are wondering what is "kampoeng" meaning? "Kampoeng" means village, we often use this kind of word in the modern-day to remind us that we have sweet memories about the old-day; one of them is foods. Moreover, the people in my hometown were respectful to nature that gave them abundant food sources. So, I would like to use the word "kampoeng" rather than the village.

Someday one of my friends mentioned that tempeh is a superfood and the price is expensive in her country. On contrary, to me, eating tempeh just our culture and a cheaper source to substitute meat that we could afford. I wrote on my another article, many people look down and underestimate tempeh, at least in the place where I come from. They think it just poor food and only for people who live in poverty deserve it. What I have been learned from this case is that we have to thoughtfulness about our culture. For instance: buying fresh vegetables and fruit from the local farmers and farmer products. Instead of purchasing expensive products that claim superfoods or healthier than others, believe me, it just strategy marketing. You want to be healthy then eat vegetables and fruit every day. Furthermore, healthy foods are cheap actually. That's my point of view as a person who grew up in a tiny village about healthy foods. 

Let's talk about tempeh cream soup with herbs. It just my creation on how to cook tempeh cream soup with ingredients that I could find around me. I do love to try a new variant of recipes that's why I call my blog fusion because it sounds different from the original recipes. For example the other day I wrote veggie peanut butter lemon sauce. If you give my recipe to the people in my hometown, immediately they refuse it same as "pecel". Here we go my tempeh cream soup with herb!


  • 400 g of tempeh
  • 1800 ml of water
  • 200 ml of cooking cream
  • 3-5 g of turmeric powder

Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • 10 g of spice blends
  • 20 g of onion powder
  • 15-20 g of garlic powder
  • 10 g of garlic herb (all-purpose seasonings)

Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • 7 g of black pepper powder
  • 15-20 g low sodium salt
  • 3 bay leaves

Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • 1 big yellow onion
  • 1 medium red onion

Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • 2 tbsp of butter
These are what you do:
  • A fine cut of yellow and red onion or just chop them
  • Prepare the pan, add butter and yellow and red onion that you chop. Turn on the stove on medium-low flame. Saute for about 3 minutes
  • Pour the water, cooking cream, and tempeh
  • Add salt, onion powder, garlic powder, turmeric powder, bay leaves, spice blends, garlic herb (all-purpose seasonings), black pepper.
  • When it boils, let it sit for about a few minutes (it could be 3 minutes) then turn off the stove
  • Tempeh cream soup with the herb is ready
  • Note: If you have lemon basil, or dill you can add them
  • Note: we can eat tempeh cream soup with the herb with noodles, pasta, or even soba!😉
Easy, right? It simply and quick-cooking that won't consume your time. This recipe is enough for 6 people. Good news for you, if we can't finish it at once, take your bowl and pour tempeh cream soup then wrap it with a plastic wrapper. Put it in the fridge. On the next day, warm it in a pot in medium-low flame before eat.

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti and Rdz
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission


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