
Showing posts from April, 2020

Dinner Idea: Stir Fry Beef Black pepper, Maize, and Veggies

Dinner idea: Stir fry beef black pepper, maize, purple cabbage, carrot, cherry tomatoes, an apple - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy Hi all of you, how you doing? What we have today? Beef? Yes, I would like to share how I cook beef. If you follow and read my article, It just sometimes I share how I cook chicken, beef, and any kind of seafood. As you know I am not vegetarian but I can't eat meat (chicken, duck, etc I can't) or even some seafood. A small amount of prawn, clam, I can take it, too much I can't. How about crab, even if you give me king crab and expensive one, I can't eat that! And also honey, if you give me a cake or foods that contain honey (pollen) or too much milk, I can't eat that. Yes, I have to be careful about what I eat.  Speaking of which, what we have today for a dinner idea? Let's check it out! 😉 Ingredient: 200 g frozen stir fry beef  1 bell pepper - Cut as you like Red bell pepper - Photographed b

Dinner Idea: Stir-fried Tofu With Oyster Sauce, Boiled Chye Sim Tuna, Couscous

Dinner idea: Stir-fried tofu with oyster sauce, boiled chye sim tuna, couscous, an apple - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi all of you, how are you today? I hope you are doing fine, and stay strong my friends! What we have today? Well, I am going to share our dinner menu ideas with you. It's tofu! As you know that I mention in my article before that I can't eat any kind of meat. I am not vegetarian, I just can't eat meat. Let's check it out! Ingredient: 4 block of tofu - Cut in dice Tofu - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy 1/2 of yellow onion 2-3 g of onion powder 1-2 g of garlic powder 3 spoon of oyster sauce Oyster sauce - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy butter Spring onion 1 pack of chye sim - You can substitute with spinach Chye sim - photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy 1 can of tuna 110 g of couscous 170 ml of water for couscous 1/2 of the beef stock block Zest Chives - I use Tes

Dinner idea: Tempura Sweet Potato, Tempura Tofu, Omelette, and Veggies

Dinner idea: tempura sweet potato, tempura tofu, omelette, carrot, green peas, cherry tomato, an apple - Photographed Hi all of you, how you doing? Well, today I am gonna share on how to eat another food source. Yes, it is a sweet potato. Do you like it? I would like to share my story about the sweet potato in my life. My father taught me that we can eat another food source. Many years ago, we had a hard life, and it's a long story. Our basic food is rice, but we can substitute with cassava, corn, or even sweet potato. Yes, we had breakfast with fried cassava, sometimes we ate boiled cassava, or sometimes boiled sweet potato. Yes, my father grew cassava, sweet potato in his yards. Even we made cassava snacks or sweet potato snacks. It was a long time ago. I still remember that our neighbors could turn the corn and cassava into very nice basic food. At the time, many villagers were very creative and could survive in any kind of situation. But, I always remember what my fath

Dinner Idea: Boiled Potato and Parmesan, Baked Saba, and Veggies

Dinner idea: boiled potato with parmesan, baked saba, reddish, purple cabbage, boiled broccoli, boiled carrot, and a pear - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy Hi all of you, how are you today? I hope you are doing fine and so is your family. Stay strong guys! Do our part, stay at home. There is a light after the storm, hang in there my friends! 👊💪 So, what I have today? Well, I am going to share one of our dinner ideas. Like always, simple, easy, and tasty. Let's check it out! Ingredient: 1 pack frozen saba kabayaki (2 people) Saba kabayaki - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy 6 six of potatoes - enough for 2 people Some reddish Some purple cabbage Smal carrot Enough broccoli Parmesan There are what you do: Boil the potatoes. For me, I just cook them in the instant pot Bake saba kabayaki in the oven for about 20 minutes. But I bake this fish for about 25 minutes about 200 degrees Prepare the broccoli and carrot, wash and c

Dinner Idea: Tempura Shishamo, Veggie Soup, and Japanese Rice

Dinner idea: Tempura shishamo, veggie soup, Japanese rice, an apple - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy Hi all of you, how you doing today? Well, today I am going to share one of the favorite fish menus, it's tempura shishamo. I know, I wrote it before, but in this article, I will show how to make tempura shishamo without tempura batter instead of using wheat flour. As you know that shishamo also is known as smelt fish or capelin fish. Do you like this kind of fish? Let's check it out!😊 Ingredient: 6-8 spoon of wheat flour - I use Tesco wheat flour   Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy 500 g shishamo fish 10 g of salt 2-3 g of garlic powder 2-3 gram of onion powder 3-5 g of crushed red pepper 1-2 g of coriander leaf - I use Tesco coriander leaf Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy 1 gram of turmeric powder 200 ml of water to make the batter Canola oil to fry the tempura shishamo - about 300 ml of canola oil

Dinner Idea: Baked Saba, Couscous, Boiled Green Spinach

Dinner idea: Baked saba, couscous, boiled green spinach, cherry tomatoes, and an apple - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy Hi, it's me again, how are you today? Well, well, what we have today, finally fish. Due to the coronavirus situation, there are many things that I have to change, one of them is our food. Usually, I would love to buy tempeh, it's my favorite food. Tempeh is not a common food in Singapore, and it hard to find it daily. But, before the coronavirus pandemic, I could find it easily at hypermarket nearby. This day, I can't find tempeh, so I have to adjust to the situation especially our foods. I hope you can adjust your foods too, maybe find or buy another brand, another alternative, or substitute your foods. Because some or many people act crazy like panic buying and hoarding many things, grab everything they can. So, what the idea for dinner, let's check it out!  Ingredient: I pack seasoning saba - I choose saba kabayak

Dinner Idea: Potato Fritter, Red Spinach Soup, and Couscous

Dinner idea: Potato fritter, red spinach soup, couscous, and an orange - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy Hi all of you, how you doing? I hope you are doing fine and so is your family. Remember, do not panic buying and hoarding, there are any other people or another family who needs foods and other stuff too. Please help each other as united people, do not let your neighbors or another family hungry. Stay safe and hang in there, stay strong 💪👊 Today I am gonna share one of my recipes from my kitchen. It's simple yet tasty, let's check it out! 1. Make potato fritter Ingredient: 2 potatoes - I use red potato 50 - 70 gram of flour - I use Tesco flour Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy 2 egg - I use low cholesterol egg 3-5 gram of salt 2-3 gram of garlic powder 2-3 gram of onion powder Celery About 200 ml of canola oil These are what you do: Bring boil the potato, then mash it Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti /