
Showing posts from 2020

Dinner Idea: braised-fried chicken breast

  Dinner idea: braised-fried chicken breast - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi, all of you, welcome back to Ichi's Fusion Recipes! Today I am going to write about not only this recipe but also the story behind this food. I know literary you notice about the picture above that chicken on the plate. Yes, I can't eat meat including chicken meat, but I like to cook it and give it tries to create a new style on how to make it easier and tastier. First, let's talk about this food. I discovered a new food with a new style on how to prepare on the table was when I studied at university to get my Bachelor's degree. As I mentioned before that I decided to study far away from my hometown. What I loved about being in this new city, I learned many things and one of them was about foods; called it "penyet." There are abundant food stalls selling this kind of food along the street even until this day. "Penyet" is an intriguing meal and attracts many people becau

Dinner Idea: "Kampoeng" style; tempeh curry & rice cake

Dinner idea: "Kampong" style; tempeh curry & rice cake, dragon fruit & apple, "kampoeng" cracker, a glass of root beer - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi, welcome back to Ichi's Fusion Recipes! 😊 It's been a while, how you doing? Nowadays, life isn't easy because lots of things happen in this unprecedented crisis because of Covid-19, and looks like everything mess up in a tumultuous time. Well, at least that what happened in my experience recently.  To be honest, anything that I had planned for 2020 disappeared like smoke in the air. But what can I say, the world is changing rapidly. One thing that I can do is embrace it, trying the best I could to construct my plan, make my life useful by helping others. Thus, make me happy even if in this uncertain future. I hope you are also doing the same things, never give up whatever it takes 👍 Reading the title then immediately you knew that I will be going to talk about "kampoeng' style dinn

Dinner idea: Couscous, fried shishamo, omelet, and boiled green spinach

  Dinner idea: couscous, fried shishamo, omelet, and boiled green spinach - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi all of you, how you doing? Please be safe, keep healthy, and help each other. Well, it looks like today is different from the past few week's articles that most likely talked about "kampoeng" style dinner. Let's talk what is the story behind this meal 😉 Let's talk one by one, first; couscous. I always keep telling you that rice is a luxury food in my hometown at the time when I was a kid. Thus, villagers substituted this food source with cassava, some other corn. But how I end up eating couscous? Talking about couscous, it neither my culture nor from the place I live today. Remember that I told you I was decided to study at a university that needed 24 hours travel by bus and crossed the sea for 2 hours from my father's house. Since then, I have tried to adapt wherever I stand up my foot. Food is the one that I have to deal with it. So, I ate a piece

Dinner Idea: Stir-fried Kale with anchovies, tempura tempeh, and boiled potato

  Dinner idea: stir-fried kale with anchovies, tempura tempeh, boiled potato, an orange, and berry tea - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi, welcome back to Ichi's Fusion Recipes! How you doing? I always hope all of you are doing fine wherever you are. Anyway, what we have today for a dinner idea? Well, it is my creation that cook kale with anchovies. Have you ever made this dish before? Well, the taste is great!😋 First of all, I would like to talk about the story behind this meal! Many times I have been always talking about tempura tempeh. The only reason is that I love tempeh! Here in Singapore, it is not easy to find this particular food source. Indeed, I could find it at the wet market; unfortunately, the taste is not good as tempeh that sold in the hypermarket. Here the thing that I want to tell you; we manage to go finding tempeh at the hypermarket nearby once a week at a specific time and day. It looks like we have a penchant for hunting precious deer at the mountain 😅 If

Dinner idea: "Kampoeng" style; sour soup, and veggie fritter

Dinner idea: "kampoeng" style; sour soup, veggie fritter, Japanese rice with furikake, an apple - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi all of you, how you doing? I hope you are always doing fine and keep your high spirit every day to do a good thing in your life 😊 So, what we have today in my new article? It looks that we are still talking "kampoeng" syles meals, isn't it? That's correct! Let me introduce you to a special soup called sour soup. Back then in my hometown, there were plenty of food sources that most of the villagers planted in their garden or yards, and also field. Selling vegetables, rice, corn, and cassava it's the only choice they have to earn money yet still wasn't enough to provide a decent house, sufficient food, and also education for their kids. Thus, eating cassava to substitute the rice becomes daily life. And rice is a luxury good at the time.  If you are following my article it is easy to find the veggie fritter recipe that

Dinner Idea: "Kampoeng" Style; Vegetable Curry, Omelet, and Japanese Rice with Sweet Potato

  Dinner idea: "kampoeng" style; veggie curry, omelet, Japanese rice with sweet potato, crackers, watermelon, and a glass of jasmine tea - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi, welcome back to my new article on Ichi Fusion's recipes! What you doing? I read the news that the Covid-19 cases in Europe rise up again and I just hope wherever you are please keep healthy and stay vigilant. This is important; wearing a mask when you go outside, going outside only for important matters, for example, buying groceries, medicine, maybe post office, etc, do not gather, wash your hand frequently, bring sanitizer when going outside, and for shopping that it is safe to shop online. What I've believed that we can get this through together, hang in there. There is a light after the storm. So, today I am gonna talk about "kampoeng" style dinner menu again. Remember the word "kampoeng" means the village, right? I will write another story about it and it is veggie curry

Dinner Idea: Kampoeng Style Dinner

  Dinner idea: Kampoeng style; spinach&carrot soup, tempura tempeh&tofu, Japanese rice with furikake & salmon paste, a glass of berry tea, and an apple - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi, how you doing? Well, today I am going to talk about "kampoeng" style dinner. What is "kampoeng"? If you had read my article before then it is easy for you to know this word. "Kampoeng" means village guys...😊 Yes! it reminds me of how we ate a long time ago in the village. I miss that day... Tempeh was a common food in my hometown. Every household cooked this menu and it was identic with poor people. We cooked tempeh in many styles of dishes such as tempura tempeh, curry tempeh, fried tempeh, patties, etc. That's right that we challenged our limit and it was where creativity came from.  One of them was how to cook tempeh into many kinds of delectable foods. I wrote a tempura tempeh recipe in my book as a bonus that gives you 2 ways how to make it. Eatin

Recreating Recipe From My Book: Veggie Chicken Soup and Tempura Tempeh

  Dinner idea: veggie chicken soup - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi, all of you, It has been a while; how are you? I hope you are still having strong courage and embrace this unprecedented crisis with a calm and positive mind. I believe that there are any lesson and a good thing have been coming toward us even if we are in a rough situation such as; are you care about other people and willing to help them even you are in deep trouble because of the Covid-19 situation? are you upgrading and upskilling yourself in order to survive? or do you see the opportunity? Please, instead of complaining and doing nothing, it is a wise choice for you to do something and make yourself useful. Dinner idea: veggie chicken soup, tempura tempeh, an apple, and a glass of berry tea - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Speaking of which, what we have today for our dinner? I cooked veggie chicken soup and tempura tempeh. Because it has a great and good taste I often cook this my home recipe. I wrote this

Dinner Idea: Stir-fried Bitter Gourd with Anchovy and Tempura tempeh

  Dinner idea: stir-fried bitter gourd with anchovy, tempura tempeh, and Japanese rice with furikake - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Have you ever heard about bitter gourd, also known as bitter melon? Instead of being sweet, its taste is bitter. That's why many people do not want to eat this kind of vegetable. But you have to know that we can make it as great taste in the right ways. Of course, it depends on how you cook it. Furthermore, by consuming it you will gain benefits for your body. I would like to say that bitter gourd is a common vegetable in my hometown in Indonesia. But like I said before many people do not want to eat it because of the bitter taste. Some others using salt to eliminate the bitter. After peeling off the skin; covering the bitter gourd with salt and let it for about 1 hour. For me, that method doesn't work well because I don't like the extra salty taste on it. Another reason, I don't want to wait for an hour 😒 So, I figure out how to cook

Dinner Idea: Tempeh Japanese Curry and Soba

  Dinner idea: tempeh Japanese curry and soba - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Tempeh, again? Today I would like to share a tempeh recipe; and it is tempeh Japanese curry. Remember this, when I say curry it means Japanese curry, not the other curry. For me, tempeh and curry is a good combination, and having a great taste. Besides, it easy cooking that you will save your time. Are you exciting? Yeah me too. That is my motto, cooking in an easy way yet tasty. I know that tempeh and curry come from different countries. Tempeh is a common food in Indonesia. Many people in my hometown said tempeh was food for poor people. Because it has a cheap price that poor villager could afford it. I remember when I was at an elementary school; my teacher said, "Do not worry if you can't buy meat, because we can substitute meat with tempeh. Tempeh is a protein source too, and of course a probiotic source. You can still become a smart student without meat." Why my teacher mentioned "