Dinner Set: Yellowtail Fish Soup, Boiled Asparagus, and Japanese Cucumber
Dinner Set: Yellowtail Fish Soup, Vegetables (boiled asparagus, Japanese cucumber, cherry tomatoes, an apple, and Calrose rice. Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
Hi all of you, today I would love to share one of my favorite meals, Dinner set: Yellowtail fish Soup! I don’t like meat, but love fish…especially Yellowtail fish. This is my recipe from my kitchen recipe, Yellowtail fish soup. Let’s rock! 
Seasoning of Yellowtail Fish Soup:
- 6-8 cloves of shallot
- 4 cloves of onion
- 4-6 cm of yellow ginger
- 2 of candlenut
- 4 bay leaves
- Salt
- Chili (add chili if you like hot and spicy, 4-8 chili)
Mash all of these seasoning.
- Yellowtail fish, around 500 gram
- Water 1,3 Liter
- Coconut milk cream, about 100ml
- Canola oil to fry fish
- Lime
- 1 of Japanese cucumber
- 4 of Asparagus
- 2 of cherry tomatoes
These are what you do:
Yellowtail Fish Soup, Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
- Washed and cleaned your fish
- Heat frying pan on medium flame, add enough canola oil to fry the fishes
- Arrange fish in one layer with room between each one and fry them. Take aside
- Heat butter on medium flame, add seasoning that you mashed and bay leaves. Saute them until fragrant, about 3-5 minutes
- Pour water, let it boil
- When it boiled, pour coconut milk cream, stir them well
- Add fried fish, and salt. Let it fully cooked about 15-20 minutes
- Prepare some vegetables. Washed Japanese cucumber, cherry tomatoes, and asparagus
- Boiled asparagus
- The last, serve Yellowtail fish soup, with vegetables, and rice (Calrose rice is your choice)
- Don’t forget fruit, an apple, a pear, etc.
- Enjoy your dinner time
Japanese cucumber, boiled asparagus, and cherry tomatoes. Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
Sound great, huh? it’s a great and tasty meal ever. What are you waiting for? 
- Written by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
- Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
- Do not copy this article without permissions
- Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permissions
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