Ichi's Signature salad and Yakitori Saba


Ichi's Fusion Recipes: Salad with fried tempeh and Japanese dressing, yakitori saba - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

It has been a while, how are things going? I hope you are all in good shape! Today I am going to share a simple dinner yet healthy and easy to prepare. Are you ready? Let's rock!👊

Who does not know salad, I reckon all of you pick this as a part of your daily meal, is not it? From the place where I was born and raised, we have our own salad. Therefore, I enjoy consuming a salad. Some people think that I am a vegetarian, but it is not my case. I am just someone who grew up in an environment where eating vegetables was a part of our regular foods. Because of my background, I like to make my own salad, you can call it fusion salad. What is make my salad different? Let's take a look!😉

1. Fried Tempeh


  • 2 packs of fresh tempeh; each pack 200 g
  • About 500 ml to 600 ml canola oil or sunflower oil
  • 3 g of garlic powder
  • 3 g of onion powder
  • 5 g of low sodium salt
These are what you do:
  • Cut the tempeh into dice size
  • Prepare saucepan or pan
  • Pour canola oil into the saucepan. Turn on the stove to medium-low flame
  • When the oil is hot, add tempeh (I added 200 g tempeh that I cut into dice size), then follow by adding 1.5 g of garlic and onion powder. The last is to add 2.5g of salt. Fry until golden brown then turns off the stove. Dry them with kitchen paper. And repeat the same method to fry the last 200 g of tempeh. Note: I divided 2 batches when frying tempeh
2. Yakitori Saba

Yakitori saba - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • 4 slices of saba - because it was frozen saba, I defrost them first
  • 4 g of low sodium salt
  • 4 g of garlic powder
  • 4 g of onion powder
  • 8 tbsp of yakitori sauce
  • 4 tbsp of butter
These are what you do:
  • Prepare the pan, add butter and arrange saba
  • add 1g of garlic, onion, and salt to each saba meat
  • Turn on the stove to medium-low flame
  • To pan-fry saba is the same technic when I fry my salmon. Tilt the pan, then scoop the melting butter with a spoon and pour it on the saba meat
  • After a few minutes ( I gave it 2-3 minutes), flip the saba gently. And again tilt the pan, scoop the melting butter with a spoon and pour it all over the saba meat. Give it 2-3 minutes
  • Pour yakitori sauce of about 1 tbsp on each side of saba meat. Pan-fry the saba for a few minutes, and I give it 2-3 another minutes. And turn off the stove
3. Ichi's signature salad

This is the easy part, you can choose a wide range of varieties of vegetables from lettuce, carrot, pea sprout, cucumber, white and purple cabbage, tomato, et cetera. The difference is how to serve this salad.

Ichi's signature salad - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Prepare the plate
  • Arrange the vegetables
  • Add fried tempeh to the salad
  • And dressing the salad with Japanese dressing - I bought my Japanese salad dressing in the grocery nearby
This recipe is enough for 4 people!🤗 easy to prepare yet tasty and healthy!🤩 We can substitute fried tempeh with fried tofu. We have tried this as well and fried tofu is amazing too!👌

Ichi's Fusion Recipes: Ichi's signature salad, yakitori saba, ana apple - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

What do you think about this idea for your dinner? Since I have been busy, this recipe is help me a lot during the scramble schedule. Moreover, even though I have a crazy busy life, I still manage to eat healthy meals. This is something that I call achievement as I have believed that a happy life is to have a healthy body. 👊😊

Thank you for reading my article, read my another article that will give you an answer; why I decided to close my Ichikraft Etsy shop for some time. Here is the link https://ichi-journey.blogspot.com/2022/08/after-2-years-of-stepping-down-where-is.html

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission


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