
Showing posts from July, 2021

Black Pepper Sauce Meatball Veggie Fried Rice

  Black pepper meatball veggie fried rice - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi, how are things going? I hope you are in good shape and do not forget to encourage each other to get through this pandemic. Whatever you can do, just do to help others especially in this crisis. Stop complaining about this about that, it's not the time for all those things, we need to unite and fight together side by side against this unprecedented situation!💪 Speaking of which? What I have today? Fried rice again? Unfortunately, yes!😄 We like to have fried rice on the table for our dinner, or lunch. Every time I have leftover rice, I have often cooked fried rice with different seasons or just try another style to make it more interesting. So, what I did that day was add rosemary to saute my meatball so that the scent of the meat dissipated. I must be careful and it has always a meticulous job to meet my preference since my body could reject any meat I eat or food that contains meat in it.  Black pepp

Stir Fry Veggie Beef with Black Pepper Sauce, Rosemary, and Thyme, and Baked Tofu

  Stir fry veggie beef with black pepper sauce, rosemary, thyme, and baked tofu - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi, all of you, how is your day going? Hopefully, you are safe and sound everywhere you are. Here in Singapore, groups of five will be allowed to dine-in from July 12 (next Monday). We are more relaxed now since the new cases in the community gradually downward day by day which means the spread is under control. We must work together as a nation! Play our part in this battle against the Covid-19 virus! We are strong together!💪 Speaking of which, today I am going to share my new recipe by using Western herbs like rosemary and thyme to stir fry beef. Wait for a second, are you sure beef? Indeed, I can't eat beef since my body has always rejected it as it causes nausea. However, I have tried to make a recipe and how to cook an acceptable beef menu for my body. I know it's weird because most people adore this meat and become the common menu on the table. I can easy to

Black Pepper Fried Hokkien Mee with Veggie and Sardine

  Fried Hokkien Mee with veggie and sardine - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi, all of you, how have you been? I hope you are in good shape even though we are still in the coronavirus year. For now, dining-in is allowed only for two people. The last time I mentioned was 5 people in a group. However, since the new cases in the community rise especially with the Delta variant of Covid-19, the Singapore government must take precautions tightly. Speaking of which, what we have today? Today I am gonna share one of my fried noodles recipes! It is black pepper ried Hokkien mee with veggie and sardine. I love noodles but I am not a fan of instant noodles like many Indonesian people. My father didn't teach me to become instant noodles fan since I was a child. So, I prefer homemade fried noodles rather than buying instant one at the shop. Inspired by many food stalls that sell fried Hokkien noodles in Singapore, I would like to make it at home with my own style!😉 Ingredient: 1 pack Hokki