
Showing posts from February, 2021

Chicken drum stick with homemade fresh multipurpose seasoning and lemon basil

  Chicken drum stick with homemade fresh multipurpose seasoning and lemon basil - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Welcome back to Ichi's Fusion Recipes! Today I am gonna share one of my chicken recipes with homemade fresh multipurpose seasoning and lemon basil. Let's check it out! Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Yesterday I picked some lemon basil and betel leaves from my "garden". Yes, I love gardening and planting flowers and plants. Actually, I wanted to make condiments we call "sambal" by using lemon basil but it turned out cooked chicken drum stick 😅 , As usual, the plan didn't work! 🙄 Talking about chicken drum sticks, I would say that I like to choose chicken breast rather than any other part of the chicken even though I do not eat meat because my body rejects it.  But, I can tolerant for some time to make another person happy. Speaking of which, are we talking about recipes or not? Alright then, Let's go and see how easy to make this dish

Homemade Herbal Tea: Yellow Ginger tea with tamarind and lemon

  Herbal tea: Yellow ginger tea with tamarind and lemon - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi, welcome back to Ichi's Recipes. How you doing? Today I am going to share something different that could help you out from your issues especially if you are a teenager or adult woman. Do you want to know what exactly is that thing? Herbal tea made from yellow ginger with tamarind and lemon. What are the benefits if we drink it every day, let's check it out! 😉 So, in other words, we are talking about herb and not cooking recipes. Yes, we are! However, herbal tea is also a recipe from generation to generation from the place where I came from. I bet the young generation has forgotten this ancient knowledge. Nowadays, teenagers and women are often drinking soda, cream, es cream, and the popular one is something called "bubble tea." Luckily, I did not have such luxury pocket money when I was a teenager to buy fancy beverages. As result, I just drunk water and this herbal tea in t

A Budget Hot Pot

  A budget hot pot - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi, welcome back to Ichi's fusion recipe. Today I am going to talk about hot pot again but from a different perspective which is mean that how to create or make inexpensive hot pot; in another word is a budget hot pot. Does it possible? Yes, it does! My hot pot soup with soya roll  - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Talking about budget lifestyle yet we can still eat well and healthy, that sounds good, isn't it?  I am a person who has always been trying to manage money in good shape including food. Someday someone said, "why are you still eating tempeh, tofu, and kangkong? You have money now." This question came up because most people from the place where I came from has always changed their eating habit once having a successful life. For example: dining out, eating meat every day without vegetables, eating unlimited sweets or dessert. It has happened repeatedly from generation to generation. No wonder high blood p

CNY SG 2021: Tom yam hot pot

  CNY SG 2021: Making hot pot at home; Tom yam soup, prawn&meat in soy sauce and tempura sauce, otah-otah, soba, and Japanese white rice - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi all of you, how are you doing today? Well, well, what we have here, looks intriguing menu that I would like to share. I believe that many of you have already known, "HOT POT." One thing that I am going to share is how to make an easy hot pot at home with some infuses. In another word is in my style. To be honest, hot pot is not a tradition or culture from my hometown where I was born and grew up.  If you are following my article then you can easily identify that the people in my village have a festive season where villagers would cook a special treat only once a year, called "opor" or simply to say chicken curry that eats with rice cake. In the past, the people in my village were farmers who worked the whole year or until toward the end of the year. Eating meat was only on a special occasio

Kampoeng Dinner Idea: Tempeh cream soup with the herb

  Kampoeng dinner idea: Tempeh cream soup with herb and white rice - Photographed by Rdz Hi, welcome back to my new article. So, what we have today that I would love to share? It's "Kampoeng" dinner idea and still related to one of my favorite food, tempeh.  If you are a new reader might be you are wondering what is "kampoeng" meaning? "Kampoeng" means village, we often use this kind of word in the modern-day to remind us that we have sweet memories about the old-day; one of them is foods. Moreover, the people in my hometown were respectful to nature that gave them abundant food sources. So, I would like to use the word "kampoeng" rather than the village. Someday one of my friends mentioned that tempeh is a superfood and the price is expensive in her country. On contrary, to me, eating tempeh just our culture and a cheaper source to substitute meat that we could afford. I wrote on my another article, many people look down and underestimate te

Lunch box idea: Stir-fried wong bok with dried shrimp &oyster sauce, herb omelet, boiled potato, and dragon fruit

  Lunch idea: stir-fried wong bok with dried shrimp & oyster sauce, herb omelet, boiled potato, and dragon fruit - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi, all of you, what a beautiful today so that I decided to share the lunch box idea. I believe during the pandemic situation like we encounter, it isn't easy going to the office and buying our lunch at a food stall. Some people just sound unsafe and simply want to bring a lunch box.  Bring a lunch box or Japanese call it bento, it looks just culture or daily routine for some/ many people. For me personally, in the past, I used to buy my lunch at a food stall. Nowadays, or since we moved to Singapore, I made my mind to cook our foods at home because I concern about how to eat healthy foods. Moreover, it's good for me to save money and allocated it to another thing that more important.  Wong bok is known as Chinese cabbage that usually uses for hot pot. If you are walking around at a hawker (food center in Singapore), stir-fried

Affordable and healthy dinner: Veggie Peanut Butter Lemon Sauce

  Affordable and healthy dinner: Veggie peanut butter lemon sauce (long bean and red spinach) & veggie fritters, cucumber, kiwi, rice cake - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti Hi all of you, welcome back to Ichi's fusion recipes! How are you? It's been a while since the last article I published. Well, many things happened recently and I have to handle some issues. Anyway, today I would like to share the story about one of the recipes from my book; it is veggie peanut butter lemon sauce. Does it mean that I am not writing the recipe? Yes. So, read my book if you want to know how to make it 😊 Veggie peanut butter lemon sauce is also known as "pecel". Pecel is a traditional food in my hometown that not only cheaper but also contains lots of vitamins. I am proud to say it is definitely vegetarian. Well, if you are a vegan then this menu suits you!  Back then in my hometown, villagers use to cook this menu at home. I remember when I called my aunt, she said that she coo